General view
1200×1600 pixels
Front panel is open: coin-drive with the storage box can be seen.
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Front view
1200×1600 pixels
Side view
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Side view with open panel. Ship drive is visible on bottom right.
1200×1600 pixels
Torpedo launch button
1600×1200 pixels
1600×1200 pixels
Information tablet on the interior side of the arcade game wall.
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Top view of the torpedo-directing mechanism. The 8 circuits responsible for the paths are visible on the left.
1600×1200 pixels
Gaming space
1600×1200 pixels
Information panel/sign. Manufactured in several color schemes.
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Reverse side of the information panel.
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A pocket on the interior side of the front cover for the storage of the manual.
1600×1200 pixels
Gauges on the front panel. Depth, speed, inclination, etc.
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Stickers imitating submarine gauges.
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The mechanism responsible for ship movement. Located in the bottom part of the arcade game. The chain where the ship figures are attached is visible on the left.
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Disconnected motor drive and explosion board.
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Ship figure
1600×1200 pixels
Various parts
1600×1200 pixels